
GeoHistories seek to understand the history of locations from the basis of geography. Geography plays a foundational role in a location’s development by providing the foundations of weather, soil, trade and invasion routes, and demographics. From the basis of these perceivable, quantifiable facts, we can build a solidly practical understanding of a location, its people, government, economy, and culture.

Armenia: A Global People

The Modern Republic of Armenia lies in the turbulent south Caucuses. Although the Armenians as a people have existed for thousands of years, they have…

Central Asia: Core and Periphery

Central Asia is, by its most common definition, those five “stans” that were formerly Soviet republics: Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, and Uzbekistan. However, this has…

Ukraine: Between Russia and Europe

Ukraine is no longer “The Ukraine.” For centuries, the definite article was considered appropriate, given the land’s history and the name’s meaning. However, given recent…


Moldova: Divided on the Edge of Europe The republic of Moldova may to some appear to be something of an afterthought – a small, landlocked…