On the Eve of Crimean Independence
The day before Crimea voted in its independence referendum, The Village, a Moscow-based publication with editions in St. Petersburg and Kiev, asked residents of various…
Read MoreThe day before Crimea voted in its independence referendum, The Village, a Moscow-based publication with editions in St. Petersburg and Kiev, asked residents of various…
Read MoreThe <strong>сирийский</strong> <strong>кризис</strong> (Syrian crisis) is a conflict between <strong>п</strong><strong>овстанцы</strong> (rebels) who are seeking to <strong>свергнуть</strong> <strong>правительство</strong> (oust the government) and <strong>проправительственные</strong> <strong>силы</strong> (pro-government forces)….
The following bilingual Russian MiniLesson is meant to build your vocabulary by providing Russian phrases within English text. Hover over the bold Russian to reveal…
Yulia Tymoshenko is perhaps the most powerful, popular, and controversial woman in Eastern European politics. She rose to power quickly during the turbulent 1990s as…
Below is the second part of the 2009 platform from Ukraine’s Party of Regions, produced shortly after the Orange Revolution forced party leader Viktor Yanukovych…
Ukraine’s Party of Regions is criticized as pro-Russian and even as supportive of Russian nationalists in Ukraine. It is often criticized as a political vehicle…
Russian Federal Law #135-FZ Russia’s recent law banning “homosexual propaganda” to minors has been the subject of protests across Europe and the US. SRAS.org, in…
Rodina first began as an electoral bloc called “The People’s Patriotic Union of Rodina,” uniting about 30 groups for participation in the 2003 Duma elections….
Literature and culture have a very strong bond in Russia, and as any student of Russian can attest to, reading Russian literature is a key…
The following bilingual Russian MiniLesson is meant to build your vocabulary by providing Russian phrases within English text. Hover over the bold Russian to reveal…
The following piece is taken from The Russia Reader edited by Bruce Grant and Adele Barker (Duke University Press, 2010). The book is part of…
The short political program of The Eurasian Youth Union, presented below, perhaps belies the depth and breadth of Eurasianism’s body of philosophy. The Eurasianists are…
Sergei Udaltsov and his organizations, which include The Left Front, rose to prominence with the protests that swept Russia after the 2011/2012 election cycle. Udaltsov’s…
The Komsomol was founded in 1918 as the Russian Young Communist League. Originally, it was an organization independent from, but supportive of, the Communist Party,…
Chechnya is a predominantly Muslim region nestled among many turbulent republics in the Caucasian Mountains. Though the deep ethnic, tribal, and religious divisions of the…
Editorial note: the following resource first appeared in Russian in Bolshoi Gorod, an independent, Moscow-based Russian-language newspaper that provides considerable coverage of political issues, social…
Mikhail Prokhorov was the only applicant out of a dozen to successfully register as an independent presidential candidate for the 2012 Russian presidential elections. Most…
President Dmitry Medvedev officially nominated Prime Minister Vladimir Putin at the 2011 United Russia convention to replace him as president. In explaining why Putin was…
The following bilingual Russian MiniLesson is meant to build your vocabulary by providing Russian phrases within English text. Hover over the bold Russian to reveal…
The Liberal Democratic Party of Russia (LDPR), it is often said, is neither liberal nor particularly democratic. They advocate nationalizing most of Russia’s major industries…