Vestnik was launched by SRAS in 2004 as one of the world’s first online academic journals focused on showcasing student research. We welcome and invite papers written by undergraduates, graduates, and postgraduates. Research on any subject related to the broad geographic area outlined above is accepted. If you have written solid research eligible for publication according to the guidelines listed here, please submit it.
Our fifth issue presents unique views of diverse issues. “The Sensationalization and Normalization of Prostitution in Post-Soviet Russia” questions the status quo of organizations working against prostitution and sex trafficking in Russia. “Russian Political Culture Since 1985” reexamines the common assumption that glasnost began the process of democratization in Russia. “Military Learning Between the Chechen Wars” examines the current state of the Russian military in light of the relatively new theories and study of military learning. Lastly, although the New Great Game, referring to current struggle for power in Central Asia, is already a well-established concept, “US-Russian Energy Security in the Caucasus” takes an exceptionally well-documented view of what the Great Game might mean for the US in terms of energy security and military conflict.
We hope you will be as excited about this issue of VESTNIK as we are; it goes far to show that creative, orginal, and sound scholarship is being done by students of Russia-related studies.
Each contribution © by its author
Printed in the United States of America
ISSN 1930-286X
All rights reserved
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All contributors retain full ownership of their contributions. The information contained within these papers may be quoted or photocopied for academic purposes, but credit must be given to the author and Vestnik. Reproduction for commercial purposes is strictly forbidden.
Full PDF Version, Issue 5 (Click to download)
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Articles also available individually in HTML below
2006-10-24 – US-Russian Energy Security in the Caucasus
2006-10-24 – Military Learning Between the Chechen Wars
2006-10-23 – Normalization of Prostitution in Post-Soviet Russia
2006-10-20 – Russian Political Culture Since 1985