Study Guides

The following study guides cover issues concerning Russia, Eastern Europe, Central Asia, and the Caucasus. They are focused on providing important pillar information such as recent statistics and structural overviews, as well as links to many more authoritative sources online.

A Guide to Studying Central Asia and the Caucasus

Table of Contents (click to jump to a section) General News and Information Some Basics of Politics, Economy, and Geography Foreign Aid and State-led or…


A Guide to Media and Journalism in Russia

The information on this page is meant to introduce the reader to the media in Russia and give an idea of its ownership structure. Our…


Professional and Publishing Resources for Researchers of Russia

This page is developed by It is devoted to resources for advancing the careers of academics in fields related to Russia. It is meant…


History and Culture: Researching Russia and Eurasia

The following resource showcases many of the sites that we’ve come across over the years devoted to history, historical documents, or folklore that we felt…


A Guide to Russia’s Resources

A brief introduction: Natural resources remain a crucial part of Russia’s economy and play a role in its projection of power abroad. Domestically, resource rents…

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