The Russian State Archive of Economics: A Guide

The Russian State Archive of Economics is known primarily by RGAE, from the Russian Российский государственный архив экономики. It is the successor of the Central State Archive of the People’s Economy of the USSR, which was established in 1961 on the basis of materials from the Central State Archive of October Revolution and Building Socialism and documents drawn from the People’s Commissariats, Ministries, and State Committees such as the State Planning Committee of the USSR (Gosplan of the USSR, 1921-1991), the Supreme Council of the National Economy of the RSFSR (1917-1922) and USSR (1922-1932), the People’s Commissariats (after 1946 – Ministries) of Finance, and the Foreign Trade and Gosbank of the USSR (1921-1991), including the management bodies of the economy of RSFSR until 1923. RGAE also has recently declassified documents from Soviet military industrial concerns.

Overall Experience

RGAE has several reading rooms, each with an individual archivist in charge who vary in personality type and helpfulness. Overall, however, the archive is generally accessible and professional.

Prep Beforehand

The RGAE putivoditel is available only online.

To order materials from RGAE in advance, you must send an email three working days prior to arrival, and attach an official letter from an institution to the email. The official letter should be as follows:

Директору Российского государственного архива экономики Тюриной Елене Александровне

Уважаемая Елена Александровна.

К Вам обращается (NAME, POSITION).

Я провожу исследование (NAME OF RESEARCH, PURPOSE).

В рамках этой работы я планирую приехать в Москву и заниматься исследованием документов в РГАСПИ (DATE) этого года.

Прилагаю официальное письмо от моего института.

Обращаюсь с просьбой предоставить к моему приезду (ARRIVAL DATE) и приходу в РГАСПИ мне следующие документы:

Р5673 1: Name of file. Date of file

С уважением,


Getting a Propusk

Documents needed: Passport (w/registration); a letter from your university; a zayavleniye must be filled out in reading room (on the second floor).
Time: 15 minutes.

Institution letter template (should be on official letterhead):

Директору Российского государственного архива экономики Тюриной Елене Александровне

Уважаемая Елена Александровна.

Прошу Вашего разрешения на ознакомление с материалами архива (RESEARCHER’S NAME, TITLE, POSITION), в рамках темы (ее/его) исследования (RESEARCH NAME, PURPOSE (DISSERTATION, BOOK, ETC)).

С уважением,


Working the Archive

Working days between requesting delo and receipt: 3
Maximum delo that can be requested at one time: 10
Photos/Photocopies/Scans: RGAE allows you to take pictures only from the microfilm machine. Hardcopy documents must be physically copied or scaned. Copies and scans vary in cost based on age and type of document. Photocopies are generally around 44 rubles per page. Scans are generally ready faster than photocopies, but cost between 44 and 153 rubles per page. Hard copy documents may not be photographed with smartphone, only photocopying/scanning is possible. For ancient documents, only scans are possible.

Scheduling: Since reopening after its COVID-closure appointments must be made in advance via the RGAE website. Spaces are limited, but generally it is possible to get in within a few days of contating them to make the appointment. Appointments are made for morning or afternoon sessions. Due to COVID, RGAE now works in two 3-hour sessions and one hour desinfection break in between.

Problems: Even though you must request delo online, upon arrival, you must also fill out a paper request form upon arrival.


Address: Bolshaya Pirogovskaya street 17 (Frunzenskaya metro station).
Phone: (495) 580-88-61
Website: click here

Working hours: Since reopening, RGAE is working in “shifts,” with one in the morning, followed by a “disinfection hour,” followed by a second shift. Time slots are contained within these shifts. Current hours are as follows:

Monday, Wednesday: 11:00 – 14:00 and 15:00-18:00
Tuesday, Thursday, Friday: 10:00 – 13:00 and 14:00-17:00
Friday: 10:00 – 16:00.
Closed on Saturday and Sunday and the last working day of each month (sanitarny den).

About the Author

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