Vestnik – Issue 11, Summer 2012

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Vestnik was launched by SRAS in 2004 as one of the world’s first online academic journals focused on showcasing student research. We welcome and invite papers written by undergraduates, graduates, and postgraduates. Research on any subject related to the broad geographic area outlined above is accepted. If you have written solid research eligible for publication according to the guidelines listed here, please submit it.

In this, its eleventh issue, Vestnik brings you a wide range of articles on diverse subjects. Two articles focus on economic issues. The Varieties of Capitalism Dichotomy (and Beyond) in Post-Communist States analyzes the economic models adopted by post-Soviet states. How Does Income Affect Suicide Rates? gives a fascinating examination of how income levels correspond to suicide rates in Russia.

Two other articles are more political in nature. United Russia: A House Divided looks at the history of United Russia, Russia’s ruling party, as well as its current place in Russian politics, and the future challenges it stands to face. “Against All”: Protest Voting in Post-Soviet Kyrgyzstan takes a statistical look at voting patterns in the recent Kyrgyz elections.

Lastly, A Sovereign Surge, Not a Soviet Resurgence: The Mutualism of Eurasian Reintegration takes a wide look at look at the economics, politics, and international implications for the Eurasian Economic Union and other efforts made at Eurasian integration.

Each contribution © by its author
Printed in the United States of America
ISSN 1930-286X
All rights reserved

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All contributors retain full ownership of their contributions. The information contained within these papers may be quoted or photocopied for academic purposes, but credit must be given to the author and Vestnik. Reproduction for commercial purposes is strictly forbidden.

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Full PDF Version, Issue 11 
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Articles also available individually in HTML below

2012-06-26 – How Does Income Affect Suicide Rates?

2012-06-26 – United Russia: A House Divided

2012-06-26 – “Against All”: Protest Voting in Post-Soviet Kyrgyzstan

2012-06-26 – A Sovereign Surge, Not a Soviet Resurgence: The Mutualism of Eurasian Reintegration

2012-06-19 – The Varieties of Capitalism Dichotomy (and Beyond) in Post-Communist States

About the Author

Josh Wilson

Josh has been with SRAS since 2003. He holds an M.A. in Theatre and a B.A. in History from Idaho State University, where his masters thesis was written on the political economy of Soviet-era censorship organs affecting the stage. He lived in Moscow from 2003-2022, where he ran Moscow operations for SRAS. At SRAS, Josh still assists in program development and leads our internship programs. He is also the editor-in-chief for the SRAS newsletter, the SRAS Family of Sites, and Vestnik. He has previously served as Communications Director to Bellerage Alinga and has served as a consultant or translator to several businesses and organizations with interests in Russia.

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